It is true that Yoga practices should be done under expert guidence as there are indications and contra indications for every practice. They also create a dependency and a parasitic support for the organization by withholding information and make the people come to their place to practice the ‘Long Kriya’. But in order to create a mystique around practices and wares they sell groups like Art of Living make simple breathing techniques into patented knowledge. According to me a great teacher is one who can impart Knowledge in full. I always hold the axiom of Rabindranath Tagore ‘A world where knowledge is free’ in high esteem. The empahsis on the lack of openess in the Art of Living course with respect to the breathing techniques (which in any case is not original but made to look like one) runs counter to my sensibilities on ‘Art of Living’. In contrast to this I found the AOL teacher lacking basic knowledge of pranayama on most occassions and on top of this the teacher was highly secretive and cultish about the breathing techniques.

Osho had spoken extensively in his works on the breathing rhythms and their cirresponding emotional and physical states. There were specific emotions and corresponding emotions which were expereinced in this.

The breathing is done is a continous rhythm without stopping. Swami Anand Swabhav the Osho Sanyasin and meditation teacher had guided us into these cathartic breathing techniques giving us the rationale behind each and every breathing rhythms. I wasn’t surprised about this new revealed technique at all as I could trace the technique back to the rebirthing holotrophic breathing excercises and the chakra breathing I had done earlier in the Osho centre at Kumarapark in Bangalore.